Wargaming conventions and shows are events where wargaming enthusiasts gather to share their love for the hobby, showcase their miniatures, play games, attend seminars, and interact with fellow gamers, designers, and manufacturers. These events provide an excellent opportunity to learn, socialize, and immerse yourself in the wargaming community. Here are some of the most well known wargaming conventions and shows:
Salute: Held annually in London, Salute is one of the largest wargaming shows in the world. It features a vast range of games, demos, vendors, and showcases of miniatures and terrain.
Historicon: Historicon is organized by the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society (HMGS) and focuses on historical wargaming. It’s held annually in the United States and offers a mix of games, tournaments, and historical reenactments.
Gen Con: While primarily a gaming convention, Gen Con in Indianapolis, USA, features a significant wargaming presence. It’s one of the largest gaming conventions globally, attracting gamers from various genres.
AdeptiCon: AdeptiCon, held in the United States, is known for its focus on miniature wargaming, including games like Warhammer 40,000, Bolt Action, and more. It offers tournaments, seminars, and painting competitions.
Crisis: Crisis is a wargaming convention held in Belgium, featuring a wide range of historical and fantasy wargames. It’s known for its diverse game offerings and vibrant atmosphere.
Cold Wars: Another HMGS-organized event, Cold Wars is focused on historical wargaming and is held annually in the United States. It offers a variety of historical periods, miniatures, and seminars.
ReaperCon: While mainly focused on miniatures painting and the Reaper Miniatures brand, ReaperCon also includes wargaming events and demos.
Brotherhood of the Bolt: This wargaming convention takes place in the United Kingdom and focuses on the Bolt Action ruleset, providing players with the chance to participate in large-scale WWII battles.
Tabletop Scotland: Held in Scotland, this convention covers a wide range of tabletop games, including wargaming. It offers a mix of games, vendors, and community interaction.
Local and Regional Shows: Many countries and regions have smaller-scale wargaming shows and conventions that cater to specific genres, periods, or game systems. These events provide a more intimate setting for enthusiasts to connect.
These are just a few examples of wargaming conventions and shows around the world. Attending these events can provide a unique opportunity to meet fellow gamers, learn from experienced players, discover new games, and get inspired by the incredible miniatures and terrain on display. Keep an eye out for events in your local area or consider traveling to larger conventions for a truly immersive wargaming experience.