Host: Ed Parody Scenario designer: John Desmond Commentary & Photos: Dwayne WilliamsPage 3 of a 4 Page Post At end of turn 7 this is where the battle stood. To be continued….

ECW Action in the North- Bogs Almighty! Page 3
Host: Ed Parody Scenario designer: John Desmond Commentary & Photos: Dwayne WilliamsPage 3 of a 4 Page Post On to Page 4

ECW Action in the North- Bogs Almighty! Page 2
Host: Ed Parody Scenario designer: John Desmond Commentary & Photos: Dwayne WilliamsPage 2 of a 4 Page Post On to Page 3

ECW Action in the North- Bogs Almighty! Page 1
Host: Ed Parody Scenario designer: John Desmond Commentary & Photos: Dwayne Williams The loyalist cavalry has met the parliamentary cavalry enemy on their side of the river. Both sides have basically stalemated at the conclusion of that encounter with each side driving off one unit and and each side “bouncing”…

WWII Action – Northern Africa
Tough going for the Brits and Allies Germans and Italians have bogged them done and are devastating them with accurate mortar fire and some big ass tanks. Turn 5 upcoming – can the Brits push through or is it all over? Go to Page 2 – The Conclusion

English Civil War Wargaming – Marston Moor
A tough and slow go for the Royalists – the causeway is a lost cause as they can only attack one rank at a time. The trick is to try to turn the Roundheads right flank – but to get there is through swampy area encompassing their entire left flank….

Ancients Wargaming: Gauls vs Carthaginians & Spanish
Dayne Williams: “The Gauls had an inferior force but held a terrain advantage guarding a river. The Carthaginians and Spanish had superior strength bolstered by elephants but were forced to funnel through fords in the river and a bridge in order to exit the opposite side of the board at…

3D Printing and Wargaming
3D printing has had a significant impact on various industries, and wargaming is no exception. How has 3D printing influenced wargaming? 3D printing allows wargamers to create highly customized miniatures and terrain pieces. This level of customization was almost impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing methods. Players opting to use…

Prepping and painting Wargaming miniatures
Prepping and painting wargaming miniatures can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Whether you’re painting Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, or any other wargaming miniatures, here are some general steps to help you get started: Gather your supplies: You’ll need a variety of materials for painting miniatures. This includes paintbrushes…