Host and Scenario: Angelo GiordanoPhotos: Dwayne WilliamsReporter: Frank McGovern Page 1 of 3 Half of a regiment of the Legion was ordered to pull up stakes and establish a new base in Morocco.5 full companies, one mounted with two machine guns and a light gun being transported by truck. On…

Massive Shootout in Hooliganville USA!
Host,Scenario and reporter: Ed ParodyPhotographer: Dwayne Williams Locals aghast! On this memorable historic day of infamy, around the main train station on the main line in the town, there erupted a real Donnybrook! One gang was going there to pick up a hired hitman for a hit on the Mayor….

Sacre Bleu! At the Outpost Le Puy.
Host and Scenario: Angelo GordanoPhotos: Dwayne Williams Where oh where can pack train and reinforcements be! The Outpost of Le Puy was lost to the Bedouin Hordes. After a valiant but brief defense the entire company of gallant soldiers was slaughtered as the reinforcing company and supply train were pinned…

Taking down the upstarts – More Hoodlum Hijinks!
Host, Scenario and Photos: Ed Parody In this corner of town we slip into the warehouse and factory environment. The two big families, Testduras and the Righitonis, don’t really have major claims, leaving some wiggle room for upstarts, the Malarkeys. They started in a small warehouse, playing with imports and…

Booze Heist at Ed’s
Hosted by and Game Report : Ed Parodi Scenario: Frank McGovernPhotos: Dwayne Williams and Frank McGovernGangster figures from Frank’s Mobster Miniatures LineRules: Still pretty rough are working on them Diamond Gang Successfully Heists Dutch Schultz’s Booze Convoy! The Dutch Schultz gang was heading south from the Canadian border with roadster…

Slaughter on the Water – An AWI Battle
Hosted and Scenario by: Angelo Giordano A waaaaaayyy under strength American command embarked on the two forked river. Two boats were capsized, and regiments were drenched – but all made it to shore. On the right flank after much struggle and blood shed the Green Mountain boys who had uncharacteristically…
Photos from Fall In 2023 – Lancaster PA. 4 of 4
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Page 2 of this years HMGS Fall In in Lancaster Pennsylvania On to Page 3
Photos from Fall In 2023 – Lancaster PA. 1 of 4
Angelo Giordano and Dwayne Williams attended Fall In this year – Photos are on this and the next three page. Photos by Dwayne Williams On to Page 2