Host,Scenario and reporter: Ed Parody
Photographer: Dwayne Williams
Locals aghast!
On this memorable historic day of infamy, around the main train station on the main line in the town, there erupted a real Donnybrook! One gang was going there to pick up a hired hitman for a hit on the Mayor. A second gang was trying to get there to guard their financier, who was leaving town. A third group of anarchists were trying to get to the main line to blow it up, hopefully with a train on it! And then there were the cops, who got a tip about the escaping financier, and wanted to pick him up and question him.

Gang 1 was on their way to the station to pick up their hitman before the train got in, when they viewed the small war that erupted in front of them. Gang 2 had been just arriving to make sure their financier left town when they saw a squad of cops swarming into the station! The cops grabbed the moneyman and were escorting him out when they were ambushed by Gang 2.
The firefight that ensued spilt much blood on both sides, particularly worse for Gang 2. During the melee, the financier got a chance to run to the waiting train.

A motorcycle cop saw a delivery truck coming up the RR access road and decided to stop it and find out what it was doing there. Unfortunately for that cop, while making a turn, the hitman’s friend sprayed the cop with a Tommy gun, killing him. But as the truck was pulling away from the dastardly deed, two well armed Troopers had espied the carnage and fired on the truck.
The joke was on the hitman and friends, bullets raked the truck, piercing the gas tank and making a fireball of them! The rest of Gang 2 were killed or driven off by the remaining cops and Troopers who then killed a last bodyguard to grab the financier as he was getting on the train.
The cops won this one this time! And BTW, the anarchists never even got close to the station, oh well!! Good time had by all, with more players than expected.