Host,Scenario and reporter: Ed ParodyPhotographer: Dwayne Williams Locals aghast! On this memorable historic day of infamy, around the main train station on the main line in the town, there erupted a real Donnybrook! One gang was going there to pick up a hired hitman for a hit on the Mayor….
Category: Gangsters – Prohibition
Gangsters - Prohibition

Taking down the upstarts – More Hoodlum Hijinks!
Host, Scenario and Photos: Ed Parody In this corner of town we slip into the warehouse and factory environment. The two big families, Testduras and the Righitonis, don’t really have major claims, leaving some wiggle room for upstarts, the Malarkeys. They started in a small warehouse, playing with imports and…
Gangsters - Prohibition

Booze Heist at Ed’s
Hosted by and Game Report : Ed Parodi Scenario: Frank McGovernPhotos: Dwayne Williams and Frank McGovernGangster figures from Frank’s Mobster Miniatures LineRules: Still pretty rough are working on them Diamond Gang Successfully Heists Dutch Schultz’s Booze Convoy! The Dutch Schultz gang was heading south from the Canadian border with roadster…