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Category: Horse and Musket Wargaming

AWI – Battle of Hobrick Hill SC 1781 Page 1
General Nathaniel Green vs General Francis Lord Rawdon 1st Marquess of Hastings Host and Scenario: Angelo GiordanoPhotos and Report: Frank McGovern Used Brother Against Brother Rules with AWI variant More Text End of Page 1 Text Page Two

On the Road to Morocco..with the Legion: Page 3
Page 3 of 3 Meanwhile on the left flank, the mounted infantry took some major casualties while protecting the truck convoy. The two left flank infantry companies did a fine job of flushing the enemy out of the many nooks and crannies. In fact the gallant lieutenant Pierre ‘Biftek’ LeBeouf…

On the Road to Morocco..with the Legion: Page 2
Page 2 of 3 Two flanking companies moved out on the right flank to recon and eradicate any threats in and around the mountain, while the convoy screened by mounted infantry proceeded along the road. On to Page 3

On the Road to Morocco..with the Legion: Page 1
Host and Scenario: Angelo GiordanoPhotos: Dwayne WilliamsReporter: Frank McGovern Page 1 of 3 Half of a regiment of the Legion was ordered to pull up stakes and establish a new base in Morocco.5 full companies, one mounted with two machine guns and a light gun being transported by truck. On…

Sacre Bleu! At the Outpost Le Puy.
Host and Scenario: Angelo GordanoPhotos: Dwayne Williams Where oh where can pack train and reinforcements be! The Outpost of Le Puy was lost to the Bedouin Hordes. After a valiant but brief defense the entire company of gallant soldiers was slaughtered as the reinforcing company and supply train were pinned…

Slaughter on the Water – An AWI Battle
Hosted and Scenario by: Angelo Giordano A waaaaaayyy under strength American command embarked on the two forked river. Two boats were capsized, and regiments were drenched – but all made it to shore. On the right flank after much struggle and blood shed the Green Mountain boys who had uncharacteristically…
A View to a Kharkee: (Part IV) Scenarios
Republished with the permission of Publisher and Owner of MWAN Mr. Don PerrinThis terrific article by Steven Lawrence appeared in issue 117 A quick Viewing of the Several Types of Military Actions Making up the Mutiny, for the Assistance of Better Gamemasters The Great Mutiny was a diverse and varied…
A View to a Kharkee: (Part III)
Republished with the permission of Publisher and Owner of MWAN Mr. Don Perrin This terrific article by Steven Lawrence appeared in issue 117 Dress Uniform Colors of European Volunteer Regiments All coats were red. Headgear consisted of the standard Kilmarnock style cap. All belts were to be white. Other details…
A View to a Kharkee: (Part 2)
The Indian Mutiny – A Gamer’s Perspective By Steven Lawrence Republished with the permission of Publisher and Owner of MWAN Mr. Don Perrin. This terrific article by Steven Lawrence appeared in issue 117 On the Whys and Wherefores of the Great Mutiny and How the Whole Mess Came to Be…