American Continentals and Militia vs Hesssians
Host and Scenario: Angelo Giordano
Photos and Report: Frank McGovern
Victory Conditions:
Hessians: are to hold Trenton for six turns and then exit across the creek via either the bridge or ford. Americans: take Trenton prior to turn six and/or stop any Hessian forces from exiting Trenton and reaching the other side of the creek.
At game start the Hessian’s sited their two-gun battery on King Street. Once the Americans attacked the Guard blockhouse outside of the city both sides were allowed to deploy.

On the Hessian center and left flank troops deployed into the houses facing the incoming threat. The Hessian battery opened up on the American battery and immediately caused casualties, the guns’ artillery crew failed morale, scattered, and ran. In the center, the Hessian’s posted in the houses started picking off American troops. Meanwhile, the Hessian left flank of two Grenadier regiments proceeded to the road head on Queen Street and awaited the American advance. They deployed as two regiments in line, one supporting the other to its rear.
The Hessian two-gun battery kept up a steady deadly counter-battery fire. Eventually, the American gun crew passed morale and returned to its gun.

The Americans attacked the center of the line and took as good as they got as far as casualties. Finally killing and captured an entire Hessian unit but lost one of their units. On the right, the Americans and Hessian’s fired one devastating volley each and then closed for hand-to-hand combat. In a brutal battle, the Hessian’s were victorious though only three of the complement of 14 survived.

On turn four the Hessian right formed a column and retrograded back into the town to begin the withdrawal by turn six. Some of the troops in the center also left the structure and made ready to withdraw.

Turn five will prove very interesting indeed as the Hessian’s will face stiff resistance from the Americans on the other side of the creek, while holding off the advancing American’s attacking Trenton. The withdrawal will not be easy and without a doubt will leave a lot of carnage in its wake.