Host, scenario and reporter: Ed Parody
The Anglican League had been stocking away resources for a drive into BUF territory, heading toward a rich township. The defending BUFs received a warning too late to stop the A.L. at the border, but, caught them not too far into their lands.
The A.L. began the invasion with their best armored group, the St. Eustace Heavy Horse, their best infantry unit, the Bishop Bath and Wells Guard Militia and some smaller units; 1st Ashford Armored Company, Lucifer[the giant flame thrower tank, Sappers for Christ, a platoon of the 3rd Bath and Wells regiment plus a Royal Postal Service rocket battery, the Badger’s Navel Cricket Club[in their sports cars] and Lazarus [a gift from the pope].
They did very well until they ran into the counterattacking BUF contingent, consisting of two platoons of the 7th BUF Legion, 1st BUF Tank Company, a platoon from the 3rd RTR, a platoon of Royal Constabulary and two artillery pieces[a mounted 75mm AAA piece and a French 75].
As the A.L. thrust down the northern flank, leading with some of their armor, two of their tanks went up in flames due to accurate long range fire from the BUF arty. Thwarted, they then dismounted the Guard Militia and tried to push on with them leading. The BUFs went in to meet them and a large Donnybrook took hold, with the A.L. Guard Militia coming out a poor second best. This pretty much blunted that flank attack.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the battle, the attack was a bit more sedate, cautious, as it were. Infantry led the assault there with the BUFs holding their fire until the A.L. armor in that group showed itself. And lo, the BUF armor did not have long to wait, the armored tractor pulling the Sappers for Christ armored wagon and 6 lb naval gun platform. Their was an exchange of fire, with the Sappers losing their tractor and the BUFs losing a tank.
The A.L. then tried to sneak the monstrous Lucifer into the fray, but was caught by a penetrating tank shot that set the tank of jellied gasoline up in a tremendous explosion, killing or severely injuring the surrounding platoon, gun crew and light tank. And again, this flank thrust was stopped cold with nothing worth fighting with.
The A.L. attack was sent packing! A big win for the defending BUFs!!