Serbians and Germans vs Russian Partisans
Host and scenario: Ed Parody
Photos and Report: Dwayne Williams
As our second round for The Battle of Krjkivic hill started, the SS cavalry on their right flank have dismounted and are forcing the partizans to expose themselves to superior firepower. But the partizans stay hidden, nipping away at the oncoming SS.

The SS have tried to attack up the hill but were mowed down. So they decided to try and winkle out the small trench and it’s ATG (that has already brewed two AFVs) that opposes them.

On the SS left, they have pushed their way up the hill, even in fairly open terrain on that side of the hill. But the partizans have made them pay for every inch.

But look out partizans, SS reinforcements are entering the struggle, an infantry squad, a Panhard 178 and a reconfigured Char 1 bis mounted with an 150mm gun. The partizans look to be in trouble….