Hosted and Scenario by: Angelo Giordano
A waaaaaayyy under strength American command embarked on the two forked river. Two boats were capsized, and regiments were drenched – but all made it to shore. On the right flank after much struggle and blood shed the Green Mountain boys who had uncharacteristically broke and ran against an Indian charge put up a spirited defense while running and managed to whittle the natives down to mere hand full that for all intents and purposes were from then on a non-entity. In the meantime the Hessian Infantry at the block house redoubt made mince meat out of an Yankee regiment who had foundered their way to shore from their sunken barque.
Much too late the American reinforcements arrived through the ominous forest, but alas the battle had been lost. A horrible effusion of blood with no gain for the Americans – General Artemus ‘Kill ‘Em All’ Toobigforhisbritches has been recalled to Army HQ for his brash decisions, and no doubt will be leaving the army soon. The British commander Lord Percival Throckmorton FaFaFafington was said to have called the rout ‘Jolly Good’ and was “Pleased as Punch’ with it’s outcome.