All about Wargaming motivation for the Wargames Blog: I guess I have been hooked on wargaming most of my life, from the time I was a little kid. At age ten my mother bought me a book that got me hooked on wargaming. The book was ‘How to Play War Games in Miniature’ by Joseph Morchauser. I read and reread that little book until it was threadbare and dog earned – I loved it so much I even bought a second copy in much better shape when I was in my thirties.
I belong to a great group of guys – most of us retired now who meet on Wednesdays and Fridays to get together and war game. It could be a battle from the American Civil War, or a scenario from the Eastern front in WWII. The games are varied ,exciting and lots of fun.
Anyone can get into wargaming – at any point in their lives and be involved as they wish.
This site was created at least initially to introduce new wargamers or prospective war gamers to the hobby. I am also hoping in the near future to include articles from other gamers and perhaps add a forum for wargamers to interact.
I hope you find the site interesting and enjoyable and I look forward very much to your ideas and feedback.
All the best,
To: The Blogs
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