American Continentals and Militia vs Hesssians Host and Scenario: Angelo GiordanoPhotos and Report: Frank McGovern Victory Conditions: Hessians: are to hold Trenton for six turns and then exit across the creek via either the bridge or ford. Americans: take Trenton prior to turn six and/or stop any Hessian forces from…
Month: January 2024

Round 2 – The Battle of Krykivic Hill
frankxmcgovern, January 8, 2024 Serbians and Germans vs Russian Partisans Host and scenario: Ed ParodyPhotos and Report: Dwayne Williams As our second round for The Battle of Krjkivic hill started, the SS cavalry on their right flank have dismounted and are forcing the partizans to expose themselves to superior firepower….

Battle of the Bulge – Marvie, Belgium
Host and scenario: Angelo GiordanoPhotos and Report: Dwayne Williams American Paratroopers are defending the town of Marvie, Belgium during Battle of the Bulge December of 1944. Multiple squads of parachute infantry supported by ATG’s, mortars and a pack howitzer plus a company of light tanks facing two kampfgruppes of combined…

The Battle of Krykivic Hill
Serbians and Germans vs Russians Host and scenario: Ed ParodyPhotos and Report: Dwayne Williams All quiet on the Eastern front at game start. The Serbian German allies are in contact with the Soviet partisans along the left and right flanks as well as the center. The Soviets have knocked out…